Urban Redesign Study 2015
Urban Redesign Study 2015
The class of Urban Redesign Studies offers a series of lectures related to restoration in conjunction to the class of Urban Redesign Studio. We invited practitioners and researchers as a lecturer, and held eight lectures about Great Hanshin Earthquake, Great Kanto Earthquake, and Great East Japan Earthquake. At the last class, we had a discussion on “What is Urban Redesign?” based on reports of enrolled students.
ガイダンス:2015年4月6日 April 6th, 2015
“Transportation during disaster and its analysis”Lecturer: Yu Hiroi (Nagoya University)
The principle of evacuation is “Moving to a safe place”, but laws and facilities for evacuation is very diverse for each type of disaster and situation. From former cases, three major aspects were revealed: necessity of evacuation; destination of evacuation; and route and means of evacuation. To understand the region, the disaster, and diversity of evacuating people were most important in terms of restoration planing, disaster prevention planing, or urban planning of future.
2015年4月13日 April 13th, 2015
“Restoration from earthquake disaster and laws - meaning and framework” Lecturer: Kiyoshi Shimizu (Deputy Director-General for Engineering Affiars, City, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Recovery means recovery of the former state. Restoration means creation of local society for a future vision based on new values. At the Great Hanshin Earthquake, its damage concentrated at residential areas developed without urban adjustment. Buildings had been replaced at areas with land adjustment. Urban adjustment is very meaningful for disaster prevention. Residents are basically responsible for reconstruction of their houses, but restoration of urban areas is a role of the public to enable their reconstruction after a disaster. Essentially, the public is responsible for improving disaster prevention function of urban areas of vulnerable cities. Restorative community planning based on residents’ initiative is a shortcut after all. Unity of community and strong support from municipalities can realize collaborative community planning with residents.
2015年4月27日 April 27th, 2015
「復興デザインと海岸工学」佐藤愼司(東京大学 社会基盤)
“Urban redesign and coastal engineering” Lecturer: Shinji Sato (Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo)
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, design mind of seawalls has been changing. Tsunami is now hypothesized at two levels, and their performance evaluation includes tenacity. Based on that, protection from tsunami of different levels and evacuation based on disaster mitigation are considered. For design of seawalls and evacuation measures, it is important to include both logics of ocean and land and consider inclusively and socially.
2015年4月27日 April 27th, 2015
「復興デザインと河川工学」知花武佳(東京大学 社会基盤)
“Urban redesign and river engineering” Lecturer: Takeyoshi Chibana (Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo)
Japanese rivers originally had various histories and characteristics, but they became boring by standardized revetment etc. Because of that, there is a vicious cycle of people’s indifference and less visit to rivers. To overcome that, it is important to expand attraction of rivers.
2015年5月11日 May 11th, 2015
「復興デザインとコンクリート構造」塩原等(東京大学 建築)
“Urban redesign and concrete structure” Lecturer: Hitoshi Shiohara (Architecture, University of Tokyo)
We have found that damage is bigger at older buildings, possibly because of loose seismic criteria of that period. Thus, the concept of seismic diagnosis and seismic reinforcement was born to identify and reinforce them. The concept may be well-known, but actual practice and its points to note were not recognized. It is required that engineers can use it as a tool, not simply as a calculation.
2015年5月11日 May 11th, 2015
「復興デザインと土質工学」内村太郎(東京大学 社会基盤)
“Urban redesign and soil engineering” Lecturer: Taro Uchimura (Civil engineering, University of Tokyo)
Slope disaster includes collapse of steep slopes, debris avalanche, and land slide. Many houses are built on a slope, but slope failure is structurally inevitable at mountain streams. Slope failure is caused by weakened suction and increase of weight from rain. Prediction of slope failure is difficult, and prevention largely depends on experience. Laws such as Sediment Disasters Prevention Act are enforced on each type of slope disaster. Usually, head of each municipalities issues warning judged by hourly rainfall and cumulative rainfall.
2015年5月25日 May 25th, 2015
「復興デザインと都市デザイン」西村幸夫(東京大学 都市工学)
“Urban redesign and urban design” Lecturer: Yukio Nishimura (Urban engineering, University of Tokyo)
If we understand structure and history of a city and plan the city following that, we can make use of the logic that the city is based on. Without any knowledge, you don’t know how to understand that. I think it’s important to plan based on such logic. We tend to think that we are required to decide everything as restoration, but it is also important to make a decision that we consciously leave some room where future generation can make a decision.
2015年5月25日 May 25th, 2015
「復興デザインと木造建築物」藤田香織(東京大学 建築)
“Urban redesign and wooden architecture” Lecturer: Kaori Fujita (Architecture, University of Tokyo)
木造建築を建てる上で重要なのは、地震や台風といった水平力に対する耐力である。古来よりこの外力に対して様々な対策が行なわれてきた。木造建築を専門とする立場から、建物の耐震診断や修理を実施している。また、 東北地方太平洋沖地震及び兵庫県南部地震からの災害復興に対してどのように考えていくべきかを模索している。
The important thing for building wooden structure is proof stress against horizontal force such as earthquake and typhoon. Many countermeasures have been taken against these external forces since old days. I perform seismic diagnosis and repair of buildings as an expert of wooden architecture. I’m also looking for a way to consider restoration from former disasters.
2015年6月1日 June 1st, 2015
「復興デザインと建築意匠」千葉学(東京大学 建築)
“Urban redesign and architectural design” Lecturer: Manabu Chiba (Architecture, University of Tokyo)
I have been involved in various projects as ArchiAid. Condition of the damaged sites changes every moment, and architects have to consider not only a long term plan, but also what we can do for each condition.
1) Settlement: We have made proposals and designs for temporary housings and a future of settlements, through workshops with residents. Acquired insights were shared with other designers.
2) Urban area: We are designing a public housing with a house builder. Lifestyle at the center of Kamaishi is as urbanized as one in Tokyo. It is important to give them options if they want to be with somebody or be alone.
2015年6月1日 June 1st, 2015
「復興デザインと環境衛生工学」森口祐一(東京大学 都市工学)
“Urban redeisng and environmental sanitary engineering” Lecturer: Yuichi Moriguchi (Urban engineering, University of Tokyo)
Waste management has been a problem for a long time, and Japan does not have enough landfill sites. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the amount of debris were as much as half of annual waste of Japan. There are a lot of issues such as temporary storage site, polluted soil and sewage, and recycle of resource. Storage of polluted waste is required for radioactive pollution. In a long run, a method to improve their lifestyle except decontamination should be presented.
2015年6月8日 June 8th, 2015
“Recovery/restoration process of damaged sites of 2004 Chuetsu earthquake” Lecturer: Masahiro Sawada (Nagaoka Institute of Design)
At the meso-mountaneous region, their houses, infrastructure, and a place of their lives were damaged. For recovery, one or two months after the earthquake was important, and municipalities play a big role. Complex processes created confusions for residents’ association, and various systems were changed.
As restoration in a shrinking area, support to restart their lives should be prioritized. Policy for support was a foundation of restoring ordinariness, and it is important to continue support to sustain their lives in the settlements.
2015年6月22日 June 22nd, 2015
“Urban redesign after Great Hanshin Earthquake” Lecturer: Masato Tanaka (Urban Research & Planning Office, Inc.)
Sustaining community for disaster restoration is vague but very important. Great Hanshin Earthquake caused disaster at residential area, for vulnerable people, and in the inner city. Some people were isolated from community during its recovery process. To prevent unattended death, it is important to estimate potential subjects and needs. These four factors are important for urban redesign: fair redistribution of risk; care for high risk group; design of places; and design of fixation.
2015年7月13日 July 13th, 2015
「東日本大震災における復興の取組み」池雅彦(国土交通省都市局都市計画課 施策計画調整官)
“Restoration work for Great East Japan Earthquake” Lecturer: Masahiko Kikuchi (Director for Coordination on policies and plans, City Planning Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)/strong>
Scheduling is important for restoration process, and decisions should be made based on past cases and experiences in terms of “who” does “what” at “where.” Making records is also important as every disaster is different. Speed is important for deciding actual plans. Local people imagine restoration plans early, and we should consider how to implement that. Still, unfairness and various troubles happen at the phase of meeting and relocation. Consensus making and planning is difficult in terms of how to deal with these issues.